If you are interested in joining any of these ministries, please contact the office through our contact form here.

Greeters Ministry
The Greeters ministry is an important part of church life. Greeters are the first face you see as you come to worship. To see a smiling face that says “Happy Sabbath”, will really get your worship experience started.
Greeting our guests and members every Sabbath, encourages healing a hurting world.

Media Ministry
The Audiovisual Department provides technological support and broadcasting capabilities to Weimar Church and its mission of spreading the Gospel to our community and the world. We provide in-house audio enhancement and visuals, livestream services to the web, and archive services and make them publicly available. We are in constant need of technologically savvy volunteers.
Music Ministry
Music is a part of worship. According to prophecy, worship will be the issue for the end time.
The Three Angel’s message is telling us to “Give glory to God”. It is our that our worship will be in harmony with the heavenly angels who are praising God all the time.
May God purify our thoughts and minds so that we don’t glorify our own talents but glorify the Creator who gave us those talents. It is our hope that whoever participates in music ministry will experience a foretaste of Heaven and experience the joy of the spirit in self sacrifice which is the foundation of the whole universe.
Past Concert Recordings
Click the menu button at top right of video window below to view all past concerts.