Parvinder Nelson

Parvinder was born in New Delhi, India, in a Sikh family. She became a Seventh-Day-Adventist at age twenty-six when she realized that Jesus loved her personally and gave Himself for her. She loves her Lord and does whatever she can to hasten His soon coming. She is married to Philippe Nelson and has three wonderful…

Mariko Kinjo

Mariko is a 5th generation musician, who was educated in the Adventist school system from Elementary to High-school in Japan. She graduated from Kobe College with a double major in pipe organ performance and music education, with additional postgraduate training in pipe organ performance. She has years of teaching/conducting and piano/organ performance experiences in Japan…

Abigail Rivera

Abigail was born in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. She became a Seventh-Day Adventist at the age of ten years. She was converted at age 21. She has 20 years of serving primarily as a treasure for the church. She came to Weimar in 2018, resides on campus, and serves as an accountant. She enjoys nature…

Daniel Velez Wagner

Daniel Velez Wagner has a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Management, and has made it his mission to keep the church at the edge of modern technology. He has been in charge of the AV department since the beginning of our church. He studies Aviation and Germanic languages, and enjoys traveling, spending time in nature, horseback…